My dreams take me to the wierdest places—sometimes good, sometimes bad—but there are some of them I just don't want to forget. So good or bad, they go here. My dreams take me on a journey into the farthest parts of my mind. If I can figure out what they mean, maybe I can understand myself a bit better. You are more than welcome to take this journey with me, but don't judge what you read. Remember, it was just a dream.

That said, a lot of these dreams have at least one part of them that would be great in a story. Some of them would make amazing stories all on their own, so I do get a lot of writing inspiration from these pages. Maybe one day you'll read one of my stories and know exactly which dream inspired it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reconnecting with my Stepmom, and ...a Club?

I had two major dreams last night, though the first one was a combination of two separate dreams themselves. So I guess it was three dreams, but two melded together?

First, I was a video game character, but real life (not animated). It was much like my healing druid from World of Warcraft. I had a daughter, a teenager, just old enough to have fallen in love and have the power to fight for it. She was beautiful, with long green hair just like me...

Anyways, we were fighting for our lives on a giant horizontal wheel, her swinging around the edges and myself standing on the top on the center. I was firing blast after blast of nature attacks, and kicking myself for preferring to heal rather than fight, but slowly winning all the same. We won the battle, even though we were still in a war.

Then it was normal again, and I was back home where I grew up. I was sitting at my computer when my stepmom, Lisa, walked into the room. She didn't seem to want to actually speak to me, but apparently she had promised to give me her and my dad's new addresses. She handed me a small slip of paper with the addresses on it, then she turned to leave the room. I was disappointed that she didn't want to even speak to me or barely look at me. But as she reached the door she stopped, turned back around to face me, and walked back over, handing me two sets of papers. One was a letter she had written a long time ago, one I knew I wouldn't want to read because it would only be a recap of everything she had already said, but the other one was written on pink paper and I have a feeling it was either important or a letter of apology or acceptance. Something good.

She sat down and openned her arms, looking me directly in the eye, and I knew she was taking me back into her life. I stood up and tears just started flowing down my face, I could hear myself exclaiming in surprise and pure joy, and I jumped into her arms and hugged her SO tightly. Though I was still careful not to be too hard or too tight... I didn't want to hurt her in any way. When I let go, she said it was stupid for us to fall apart when there had never been any problems between us, and I agreed. I then said I needed a glass of water, and did she want anything? She said sure, so I bounded off down the hallway towards the kitchen, excited to get the water and get back in there to talk to her.

The kitchen was very large and very confusing; all new appliances and nothing I recognized in the slightest. The doorway to the next room was open and my Mom mom (my grandmother on my mom's side) and my Aunt Leah were sitting at a table playing cards. Aunt Leah asked what I was doing, and when I said I was getting some glasses of water, she asked for one too. I said sure, and wandered around the kitchen for a few minutes before I realized that I had no idea where glasses were. Aunt Leah saw me struggling and came in to help, she openned a cabinet and there was rows and rows of glasses. I grabbed three, and took them to the fridge to fill them at the ice and water dispenser. I began to fill them... but the water dispenser wouldn't turn off in between glasses! It just kept going and going; I put each glass under it to catch what I could, but soon all three glasses were full to the brim and the water was still spilling over. Mom mom was giving me this look that said "I just cleaned this kitchen and you're making a mess out of it..." but I reassured her that I would clean it up before I left the kitchen. The water finally stopped and I grabbed a towel and cleaned it all up. Aunt Leah took her water back to her seat and they took up their card game again; I went down the hall towards my room, exhausted after all that trouble, only to get there and realize I left our glasses in the kitchen. I ran back and grabbed them, then went back to my room once more and sat back down at my computer chair, to talk to Lisa.

She pulled out a few pieces of papers that had been folded up. Unfolding them, she turned the top two pages over and began to read to me a line from the third page. It was the last email I had sent her! I must have known in some way that I was dreaming, because I remember feeling this shock at just how accurate it was to what I had actually written. It's like I really could have been looking at my email and reading it back to myself right then. Funny though, because while I'm awake I honestly couldn't repeat back my exact words. I even just scanned over the sent copy of that email and I couldn't find what I think she read to me, but I know it was from that email.

I nodded while she read it, showing my recognition. When she was done with the sentence, she looked at me as if waiting for some sort of comment or reply, and all I could say is that I still believe now what I did when I wrote it. And that parents and children should never have a falling out, from either side. And the dream fades.

I know I've never had that dream before, but I FEEL like I have. Like the message it sent me is one that I've been told time and time again, and I just refuse to listen or refuse to believe that there's nothing more I can do. I have this very strong feeling, this voice inside my head, that I could literally HEAR clear as day, telling me that Lisa has to be the one to fight for me.

The next dream I had was incredibly weird. Me, Mike, and the kids were moving into a new neighborhood. We moved into an apartment building, three stories tall, with us on the second floor. There was a tall building across the street, and although it seemed like a normal suburban street, the building across the way was up on thick beams, with a sort of dining room / bar sitting area on ground level, and stairs leading upwards into the building itself.

While I was outside getting something from my truck, I noticed a man at the bar with two black lab dogs. He seemed to be struggling. I asked if he needed any help, and he said he was actually giving away one of the dogs, and did I want it? I knew we already had a black lab, our dog Katy, but I would love to have another, so I said yes. He said to just walk the dog through the building with him since it did need a walk first, then I could take the dog. He handed me the leash, and it disappeared. The dog followed me, and every time we came to a fork in the hallways, I would just call the dog and it would go the right way. It was such a smart, loving dog. We finally reached the end of the walk, and the man said he would be honored if I'd take the dog! He had other people walk with him, and they treated the dog so mean or spoke harshly. And seeing the way the dog listened to me, I was the right owner for him.

I took the dog back home, and let him meet Katy. It was puppy love from the start. ♥ I knew accepting the dog was the right thing to do.

I went back outside and started doing some work in my truck. I was planning on going somewhere, though I'm not sure where I would have gone since I was new to the area and didn't know anything. Just as I was finishing up, I noticed a man and a few kids were sitting on the tailgate of my truck! I walked to the back of the truck and politely asked them to move, since I was planning on driving now, and I don't really appreciate people on my vehicle... They said they understood and got up and began walking towards the bar, bringing the kites they were apparently flying with them. I allowed my gaze to follow them into the bar, wondering just what was over there, when a woman at a table called me over.

She was an older woman, maybe in her late forties to early fifties. She had dyed blonde hair with more of a yellow tint to it, and dark brown roots coming in. She had wrinkles on her face and hands, signs of hard times and long days of work. I sat down across the table from her, and she talked to me as life went on in the bar. There was a woman behind the counter who was married to the man with the children. There was a woman waitressing, married to the man with the dog. And this woman I was talking to, who didn't seem to fit in anywhere but everyone respected.

She asked where I was from, and I leaned back in my chair, suddenly realizing it was past dark. I glanced up towards the window to my apartment, and saw a light on. Mike was standing in the living room, both boys holding onto him, asking to be picked up. He leaned down and picked up both boys in both arms, and spun them around, all three of them laughing and smiling and just being the picture of a perfect loving family. I knew it was time for me to get home, so I told the woman I had to go. As I walked across the street I remembered that I had left the dog at home, and I wondered if Mike had seen it yet. Just as I was walking up the stairs to my apartment, I saw Mike talking to a police officer, reporting that the club across the street was being extremely loud.

The officer left and Mike and I walked inside, him asking where I had been. I told him I had been across the street and I told him about the people and the odd day I had. He was angry that people would just randomly sit on someone's tailgate, and I was a bit upset at that too. He had seen the dog, and although he wished I had asked, he saw that him and Katy got along perfectly and he was glad for the boys to have another companion. The dream ended there, Mike putting his arms around my shoulders and us watching the boys play with the dogs.

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Loving a Techie Genius Con Artist

In this dream, the techie man I had been so in love with looked and sounded exactly like Alec Steele, the blacksmith. It was pretty amazing....