My dreams take me to the wierdest places—sometimes good, sometimes bad—but there are some of them I just don't want to forget. So good or bad, they go here. My dreams take me on a journey into the farthest parts of my mind. If I can figure out what they mean, maybe I can understand myself a bit better. You are more than welcome to take this journey with me, but don't judge what you read. Remember, it was just a dream.

That said, a lot of these dreams have at least one part of them that would be great in a story. Some of them would make amazing stories all on their own, so I do get a lot of writing inspiration from these pages. Maybe one day you'll read one of my stories and know exactly which dream inspired it!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

When Fire Rises

My dream felt a little weird last night, because some of the people in it were taken from TV shows and movies, but I know what they were representing so it's okay. It just made it a little awkward to watch, haha.

My dream was about a man, magical and powerful in his own right, but who craved more. His reasons may have been justified, at least in his own mind, but he sought to awaken a great force of Fire energy. He stated that it was to combat a rising evil, but the energy he summoned wasn't pure, it was corrupt and fed off negativity and anger. It took the form of a man in my dream, and he appeared handsome, wise, strategically knowledgeable, and intelligent both in theory and in practice.

Rather than unleashing him upon the world, the man kept him contained in a fiery cave, with tall pillars of earth to hold up the ceiling and scattered pools of magma steaming and heating the area. Flames danced on the surface of these pools, lighting the entire cavern with an orange glow. Needless to say, it was quite hot down there, but the Fire energy was in his element, and enjoyed it.

The man hoped this Fire energy would train others to aid him in his battle against evil, and a sort of training grounds was devised in the cavern with wooden training dummies that didn't burn and obstacle courses to teach their bodies to move swiftly and nimbly in any situation. Unfortunately, the Fire energy had plans of his own, and as he grew stronger he began seeking a way out of his cavern prison. Though his intentions were never stated, I got the feeling he wanted to immerse the world in flames and rise to rule the elements.

In time, the man realized he was wrong and became afraid of the Fire energy because he knew he could not control it and that he could not keep him contained much longer. The Fire energy was no longer training men for the great battle against evil--but was now raising an army of his own, full of willing followers studying and worshiping his power.

As in all epic tales, where there is evil, good will rise up against it. And rise they did... a mix of people began to appear as if by magic, stepping out from behind pillars and falling from the sky to land gracefully in a combat-ready battle pose. Some of these people seemed to represent the other elements, there to bring balance back to nature. Some were there to quench the flames and offer a disadvantage to the Fire energy, and still others were only there because they were fighters and their skills had been called to light. Regardless their reasons, they formed a force greater than Fire alone, and defeated the energy, casting him back to his place in the great balance of nature, and stripping him of his human form (thus removing his human emotion from existence, which may have been the key to his negative and power-hungry tendencies).

This was not done in peace, however. A great battle had taken place, with casualties on both sides. There was no celebration of glory for the combined heroes; instead they simply shared a smile and a few kind words, and held a moment of silence out of respect for the fallen.

With no further reason to be gathered, the forces of good went their separate ways once more. The man was ashamed at having almost destroyed the world where he meant to do good, but learned that power cannot be summoned, contained, and manipulated to do your biding. His heart was in the right place, he had simply gone about it the wrong way.

And that was that. This dream just leaves me thinking... what IS evil? What does it mean to be evil, how is it defined, and who defines it thus? In Taoism I learned that for something to be ugly, something else must first be deemed beautiful, and the same can be said in reverse. Nothing is born or created ugly or beautiful until it is analyzed and labeled. Is something perceived evil simply because something else has been named good? Or are they the lightning and rain of a storm--fire and water working together in an act of Chaos meant to destroy and to nurture simultaneously in the great balance of life?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bikers and Family Gathering

There were multiple aspects of my dream last night, I didnt quite follow them all but it's slipping fast so this may seem jumbled, but I need to get it down.

The most prominent part of the dream waa when i was tailing a biker gang. They were not your stereotypical, all black leather, larger guys, long beards and sunglasses kind of bikers. It was like a special gang, each member was most represented by a color. Red, blue, green, yellow, purple (those are the ones I remember seeing). I think red was in charge. Blue was a slightly bigger guy, and the one I had the most interaction with.

As I was following them, I  drove a large but old red truck. They hung out a lot near a bike shop, but a very nice looking one, and most of their shelves (though I never went in, I knew somehow) were filled with shiny helmets. It was the helmets that were special, because they transformed into or somehow created the bikes. This was never straight out said in the dream, It's just one of those things you know as you are dreaming it. There was a particular helmet that I wanted,  and im not sure if I was fighting the urge to enter the shop and get it, or if I needed the bikers' help. I think it was red, like my truck, but it had a cat on it. A very fluffy cat.

The biker gang clearly knew I was trailing them, even though I think I did a pretty decent job of appearing like a regular person. At one point, for example, they were coming out of the bike shop while I was out front by my truck, and I knew they would capture me for sure unless I had a good excuse for why I was standing outside my truck. I tried the handle, acted like it was locked, then walked around to the passenger side and acted relieved to see the door opened. I reached across to 'unlock' the drivers side door, and one of the members reached out and opened it for me, before I had come back around to the drivers side. I panicked inside for a moment, thinking I was doomed, until he bellowed a laugh and remarked that I was lucky in my carelessness of leaving then passenger side unlocked,  and that next time I might not be so relieved at the outcome. I gave him a nervous smile and they went on their way, but the blue one kept an eye on me the entire time as they walked off.

At one point,  while working out of my truck, the blue one came over to me. I acted like I had lost my cat and was fairly certain he was hiding in my truck. Blue took a quick glance aroundnd lsost interest. He would talk to me here and there, just meaningless mutterings really, but after a while I said it was time I headed home. Apparently he was supposed to ve a diversion, because as I arrived home the gang had broken into my home and were ransacking the place as they 'made themselves comfortable', their way of pretending as they searched my house for clues that I was spying. I knew they wouldnt find anything though, so I feigned indifference and pretended tbey were just really bad guests. And that they were. I had to constantly nag them to pick up trash and get their bikes off my couch and off the coffee table, I yelled for them not to touch the cheesecake in the fridge--obviously way too late for that, half of it was already gone--because I had made it for the family at christmas.

After what seemed like hours,  they up and left... and left me with a huge wrecked home. I spent the night cleaning most of it, only to find they returned the next day. Although I had begun my mission with a deep sense of fear and caution for the gang,  they were now intruding on my life and destroying it, too. They were actually starting to accept me as one of their own,  feeling comfortable around me and acting in ways I know they dont act in public. This is what I had been waiting for, I could get what I wanted now! But the disarray was too much, I couldnt stand it. If being accepted by them means to give up who I am, then it just wasnt worth it. I shouted and yelled ans told them they had 5 minutes to get their bikes out of my living room and get going, because I had family coming over and they were ruining everything. They filed out, one by one, and the blue one seemed especially sad, as he left he handed me what I guess was a pair of boxers, but they had something special written along the inside of the band, and he cried as he told me that it was what I had been looking for, and that he was sad I never took the time to really 'look' for the gang that way. I guess they really just felt misunderstood,  and they only acted tough to protect themselves from the harsh outside world.

The sadness ended, and suddenly the living room was clean and guests were beginning to arrive. It was my family, though the kids were still my husband's nieces and nephews. My sister in law was there too, and as she walked in the door she asked me to smile, knowing I had just undergone dental surgery and was missing a front tooth (which I actually am right now, surgery was Monday). I did, reluctantly, and I really dont like the amusement it brings others.

We begin to exchange gifts and cards, and the adults all laugh over one card I handed out, that I guess I didnt read or even fill out first... it said something along the lines of, 'Heres a card, in exchange for the card you undoubtedly gave me, maybe you'd have actually gotten me something if you lived closer.' And it had a spot to fill in my name, so they wouldnt 'forget who I was.' They all thought it was hilarious; I wondered where I got such a card and why I didnt check them before handing them out. I thought it was really disrespectful and rude,  and although I was embarrassed to have let someone get such a card from me, I was relieved that they were taking it so lightly.

The kids found the stuffed animals I had been making for them, but sadly I hadnt finished them with all the tailing I had been doing, so I had to take back headless dolls and armless bodies from the kids, who really didnt understand.  I thought maybe I could work on them right then, but i never would have finished. The adults got to talking about my crochet and told me how they would love to see my things sold online, and everyone suggested their favorite online craft website. I thanked them all and continued to work.

Somewhere in these dreams was a kids amusement park of some sort, old and abandoned and in disarray, though I guess power was still hooked up if someone were to flip a switch. It always works that way in movies... I dont know what I was trying to find or save, but there was an adventurous feel to it all. At one point I think I was climbkng by hand across a section of roller coaster. I dont know why I was there, that part was sort of broken up. There was someone else there helping me I think, too.

Well thats about it I think... I'll edit if I remember anything else.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Experimental Bunnies

Two night ago,  I had a very short dream. At least, what I remember is short.

I dreamed that there was a large scientific research facility,  and they were experimenting on small, cute, fluffy white bunnies. Nothing else, just bunnies. Then, after injecting them, altering them, and experimenting on them, they tried to sell them back to the public-- mainly to witches-- as pets. Like they were specifically targeting witches as customers.

Those poor bunnies. =(

Point of View

I started writing this dream on August 26, 2013. I woke up and realied I was too tired to record it all right then, and started an audio recording, saying my dream and knowing I would transcribe it later. Unfortunately,  my phone broke before I was able to finish typing it up, so this has been sitting in my drafts for months. I think I'll just post what I have so far, and hope that when I find my broken phone again (I seem to have misplaced it...) I can connect through USB and retrieve the rest. Sorry it's written so oddly, for the most part this is exactly how I said it to myself when I was speaking it.

Okay. My dream.
I dreamt... I guess, I was trying to look at things from a different angle, I might have been a photographer of some sort. I was in a building, it was one really big room. And I think it was some sort of sports center, or a rec room or something, and there was a man in there, i didnt recognize him. He was white, he was older than me, he was probably around 30, maybe a little bit older. He had short dark brown hair. It might have been black, i dont know, I just know it was dark. And he was a little scruffy, he hadn't really shaved in a while. I think he actually had brown eyes, although they may  have been green. I'm pretty sure they were brown. And he was trying really hard, focusing in on what he was doing. When I woke up I thought that when I remembered back he might have been boxing; like there might have been a boxing ring in the room? But I dont remember anyone else being there, I just remember him.

Like I said I was a photographer, and I was trying to see things from a different angle. And I think I had a camera, although I never actually saw this camera that I had, it was just the view, the viewpoint, of the dream. And it took me all over. It's like I wasn't looking at things from the main perspective. I was looking at an everyday thing, a normal thing, and looking at it from different angles to see things differently. The camera view, it went in close. It didnt just look at his face. It went in underneath him and looked up towards his face. Like, he was sitting down in a chair at one point, and he had his head kinda down a little bit, and he was sweating. And it was just rolling off of him. But the camera view was like laying down on the floor and looking up at his face, and you could see the drops dripping off of his face and down around the camera. And the next thing you know, the camera looks over past him and it looks... I swear I saw a boxing ring in there somewhere but it's like, you know, I can't tell, because the viewpoint was just so different. It really was just trying to show me this normal thing. You know, this lonely, very hard thing, whatever it was he was concentrating really hard on it, he was struggling with it, and it was just looking at it from a different perspective so it looked more exciting, it looked more artistic; it was just different from what it was. I really don't know what he WAS doing, because I just wasnt looking at it in a normal way. He was doing whatever it was he was doing, he was aware that I was watching, he was aware that I was present in the room, but he just kinda shrugged it off. He didnt want me to feel normally, because even he knew that it was pointless. So the camera just went to different places, and i dont remember all of them, but a few of them stick in my mind.

Other than the one from being underneath, there was a point where I could see the view pan out, where I was looking at him from the side. The first time I said I was looking across, it was across his right side, but now it was looking across from his left side, and he was looking to my left, and the view actually zoomed past him and I was looking at the edge of a table-- its a pool table-- and the pockets were like, nets hanging down. Much like the ones on the pool table we have now, but it was a thick woven net that hangs down, and I could just see a whole bunch of pockets and they all had pool balls in them. Well, not all of them, most of them; but the view was just below the edge of the table, so when I looked out the whole viewpoint was nothing but the hanging nets. Some of them, a lot of them, having balls in them. I cant remember what number balls I saw. I want to say i know the 10 ball was there, but... ah, I dont remember. But there were quite a few of them. It took up a lot of my vision. Obviously that's not going to be accurate, because on a pool table there are only 6 pockets and you're going to see the edge of the table no matter how you look at it because you are going to see the legs holding up the table, it was pretty weird how it all fit together, I'm not even sure.

Another view as the camera kept changing, was like one corner pocket hanging down, but it was like there were strings as decoration hanging off of this pocket, and as they went down they were tied to shoes. Just different shoes, like running shoes, tennis shoes, sneakers... obviously nothing fancy. None of them were too old, but they definitely werent new.... they were just a bunch of shoes, and they were just hanging there. And I dont think they were hanging by their laces, I think they were hanging by decorative strings hanging from this corner pocket. There were a lot of them, but again they weren't close together, they were all hanging off of this one little pocket, but they were spread out. I dont know how the camera managed to see some of the things it did, and I'm not sure what normal thing that would have been that it looked at from a different angle, I haven't really had time to think about any of this yet.

So, anyways. The camera changes again, and it keeps changing, just a couple different things here and there. I dont really remember any of the other viewpoints. But I do know that after a while the camera looked as if it was looking through the eyes of a woman-- or myself, I suppose-- but it was like I was working in this room, in this building, and I was a server of some sort i guess, or a waitress or hostess or something. And there was a pool table. Right there by the front there was like a bar... though they didnt sell alcohol or anything, I dont think it was that kind of a bar. But there was a pool table, and it was very very well lit. There was a whole rest of the room in there but I can't remember anything beyond just this pool table. That guy was there, and he was playing pool by himself, just practicing i guess, testing his own skill. He was having somewhat of a hard time with it, but he was having fun, and I could tell because he was smiling, at least for most of it. And when he would walk around the table, he'd get closer to the viewpoint, and he would smile, and he would talk, but i dont even remember his voice, i dont remember what he was saying, I think it was just literally small talk, it was just you know, the comfort of having company there with him. But I remember smiling, I could never see my own face, I just remember I felt that I was smiling. And at some point, maybe I laughed a little bit too. I couldn't hear it ,but I could feel it.

Throughout this whole thing, I dont think I could hear voices at all, but there was music. Like a track being played over it all. There were no words to it, it was just calming, but it was uplifting. It was like one of those little tunes that, it's quiet, it's still upbeat, in a sense, but it's still toned down so that it's not loud, you're not supposed to dance to it, you're just supposed to kick back and relax and just go with things, just that kind of music. It was really nice. and I dont remember what it sounded like either, I just remember that it was really nice. So then, we continue on with this viewpoint for a while, seeing him play pool. But I guess that I was behind this bar thing because every once in a while while I was watching him, as the viewpoint moved to a different angle to watch him from a different pocket or something, I would have to go past a beam, I guess this bar thing had like a beam on either end or something, holding up-- well i dont know what it was holding up-- but it was like a column at the two corners right there, and I remember walking past it, seeing it, so I'm pretty sure that I was behind the bar. And after a while, he put his stick down across the edge of the table and he leaned in over the edge of the bar and he was laughing and he said, and I heard this part, and he said "hey, grab the pizza will ya?" and then he leaned down and he picked up two pizzas. And they were still in the pizza warming cases, you know the ones the delivery guys use to keep the pizzas hot until it gets to you? He had two of those. And he picks them up from behind the bar and he walks out the door. And the view showed me picking up a pizza and I followed him out the door. I dont know where we went. But once we went through the door I really dont remember. I think there was a park, but that's all I remember of that part.

And then it changed, and see, the sad thing is I can't remember if this next part came before or after everything I just said, it was there too. It might have been going on at the exact same time in a different part of my head for all I know. These two dreams didn't have an order to them... I dont think they were connected at all. And I think that's my mind's way of telling me that they are not connected is that feeling that I might have dreamed them at the same time, but in this one me and Mike went into a restaurant. It's hard to describe, I'm not sure what type of restaurant this was supposed to be, it was very small, like a cafe type of thing. You walk in the door and on the left side of the room going down the wall was the kitchen, with the counter in front of it for you to order, and there were barstools lined up along the counter so you could eat there at the bar if you wanted to. And along the right side of the room , it wasnt a very big room, there were tables and chairs, and booths, for people to sit at to eat over there. And we walk into this little place and we're gonna go to the back corner of the room, not all the way in the corner itself but there is a table over that direction, I dont know if we were in a booth or not, but I felt like we were in a spot that should have had a booth.

I was sitting in a normal chair and mike was sitting across from me, it was a very small table. I dont know what type of restaurant it was supposed to be; I remember thinking that it was chinese, but that might have just been based on what I attempted to order, I'm not sure. I dont even know what mike ordered... well, i dont even know what we ordered at all, i dont know what type of food it was supposed to be or if we were already eating or, i have no idea. I do remember that we're sitting at the table and I kept looking over towards the bar, where the guy behind the counter was standing over there, and he was standing in front of a customer sitting on a bar stool. the customer was hispanic, very darker skin, black hair, i think he was wearing a dark blue shirt, you know not too dark, still kinda bright, but definitely a darker blue shirt. And I dont remember what the waiter was wearing or what he looked like, but I had ordered something when we walked in, and I think i wanted something kinda like chinese food-- and i dont know if this is what i ordered or if this is just what the guy brought me-- but i think i had given him a very vague description of what i wanted, and i had probably told him to make it as close as he could, but im not sure what exactly i asked for... but i know that what he brought me was rice, but he had cooked it with egg in it, like fried rice, i dont remember what seasoning he used but it was also like fried rice and then he added shredded cheese to it. Im really not sure what else was in it, but i know for a fact that there was rice and an egg, just like fried rice, and then there was cheese. i dont even know what kind of cheese, i just know it was shredded. It was delicious.

I dont remember the taste of it, but I know that in the dream it was delicious, i loved it. I remember I kept looking over at the counter and the guy at the barstool was staring at us. And after a while thats all he was doing was he was just sitting there staring at us. The guy behind the counter, i dont know what he was doing but he kept looking over occasionally too , and i was getting kinda nervous and kinda freaking out a little bit. After a while I told mike that I just had to make them stop, and I remembedr very clearly the long walk across the room. And it's stupid because it was a very small room. Bu tit's like, when you do something that you dont normally, do, like I dont normally get up and go talk to strangers because they are staring at us, I just kinda ignore people, so it was really awkward for me, I could FEEL it just seemed like it was a very long walk, just getting up from my chair, and at that point when i pushed the chair back, i think it was a metal chair, and i remember getting up and walking across the room and the hispanic guy he stared at me the entire time i walked across the room, he stared directly at me, and the knew i was coming towards him, and the waiter looked at me, and i was trying to tell the hispanic guy to stop staring at us. i was asking him what it was he wanted, why he was staring at us, and he just kinda gave that smile, and the waiter guy was like "he doesnt speak english, he doesnt understand" and i was like how can he not understand, i was really annoyed that i had made the effort to go all the way over there and my point wasnt going to get across, i couldnt say whatever it was that i needed to say in any other languages, all i spoke was english and all i knew was that it was really freaking me out and i didnt want him to look at me any more, at us anymore, and i was frustrated because i couldnt get that point across, and i was like whyyyy and the waiter guy was like sorry;, i guess he doesnt speak english, ya know. And I stayed there talking to the waiter guy and he was like what is that you ordered, what is that, that food you're eating? And asking, is that even what you want? wha'ts in it? and i was telling him, and i guess i knew what it was in the dream, but whatever it was i was telling him what it was, and he was like omg im so sorry, is that even acceptable? is that what you wanted? that doesnt even sound like it would be a good combination, im so sorry, and i was like no, this is perfect!

And this is where it stops.  One recording short.

Loving a Techie Genius Con Artist

In this dream, the techie man I had been so in love with looked and sounded exactly like Alec Steele, the blacksmith. It was pretty amazing....