I typed this up immediately after waking up the next morning, but made a billion typos and never published it. I don't know if I finished typing it all up or not, but I went through and fixed the typos (and made it into full sentences as best I could) so here's what it ended up as. It was three full dreams.
I was at Mcdonald's with my friend and her parents. I had left my wallet at home, and people kept cutting in front of me. They served fried chicken.
In the dream I worked at a law firm, and I was the third Charmed One along with Piper and Phoebe.
I was put on an assignment to travel from somewhere to school, and I drove a cart. There were some people with me, though I don't remember who they were; we drove through the streets and I thought I could find the way from where we were but I got lost in the neighborhood. Everything started going crazy—all sorts of animals began attacking everyone, including dogs, sheep, cows, tigers, cats, etc. We had to drive around with the cart dodging animals till we could find the school.
Finally, we found the school (law firm) and went inside. There was a tall guy with short black shaved hair, pale skin, and wide eyes with deep sockets...he looked so familiar, like I knew him from somewhere in life, and I'm pretty sure I really did know this guy somewhere. I bumped into him in the hall. He was mean and tried to fight and argue, but I just kept going. Went down the hall to where Piper was...sort of like a hospital room, but she could walk around, though I'm not sure what she was in for. Gave her a drink and went to the other side of the firm to find Phoebe. Tall guy tried to pick a fight again and threatened to kill me.
In the last room on that floor, I found Phoebe with our mentor. He was very cute, slightly older, shortish light brown hair, and looked wise. While he was sitting at his computer, I told him the story of what had happened that day, of the tall man and his attitude, and he said he'd help. He was working on a story for Phoebe, looking into the activities of her ex. I glanced down the hall through the crack where the door was still open and saw the tall man looking around all shifty-like, then he leaned forward as another man leans out of a doorway and kisses him. I started laughing, because I could use that against him around the office to make him leave me alone, since he didn't seem to want anyone to know.
I decided to go take some things down to my truck (as a way to leave Phoebe and our mentor for a few minutes so they wouldn't know why I was laughing). As I walked down the stairs at the front of the building, the tall man was walking up; he walked close to me and tried to trip me. I saw it coming though and managed to sidestep, but my balance was shaky. I reached out to center myself and grabbed the back of the tall man's jacket. He continued to try shoving me down the stairs, no longer acting like an accident, but I held my balance and he ended up tumbling backward down the center, head first, colliding with the cement landing below. I walked past, glad it wasn't me but a little worried hoping I didn't kill him. He got up with a very pissed-off look on his face (pissed off but oddly emotionless) and walked inside the building.
I went to my truck and dropped some stuff off, but as I went toward building again, Phoebe shouts at me out the window. Apparently she found a picture of her hubby with another woman, from the last time we visited Utah...? Confused, I began heading back inside the building, and I went up with Phoebe and our mentor. At this time, her problem was mostly solved for now, so our mentor continued to work on my issue after I told him about the attempted murder right out front. What a great mentor!
Ready to leave for the day, groups of people were heading out front. Piper and Phoebe were going to meet me at my truck to go home. We walked with a large group. I'm almost by my truck when I see the tall man walk out a few people ahead of me...and of course right then, the crowd slows to a stop from heavy traffic. I'm not sure if the tall man sees me or not.
He looks very angry all of a sudden, very dark, then without warning pulls out his pen and stabs the person in front of him in the back of the neck. He turns to the next person beside him and stabs them as well.
I don't know why I didn't get in my truck. Instead I go to run past some people to my right, but he sees me and pushes me down. I fall against the building and turn over and he is right on top of me with the pen gripped tightly in his white knuckles, his arm tense, holding it just inches from my face. I can see the blood dripping from the end of the pen when I see that he didn't even click it; the pen is still retracted and hes been stabbing people with a blunt hole at the end of the pen. He looks extremely scary as he goes to stab my neck. I catch his arm but I can still feel the pain of the pressure against my throat. I tell him desperately that I know his secret, though I'm not sure why I thought that would help, because he gets completely enraged and tries to stab me again. I tell him if he stabs me, I'll tell everyone his secret.
Not sure how I got out of that one; someone must have saved me. But I lived somehow.
In the next dream, I wasn't actually there. Instead I was watching Captain Jack, sailing the high seas. He comes across a ship being attacked by other pirates and decides to check it out. One of the pirates was a woman that he knew.
He went to grab a headband piece he saw, but the woman pirate took it first and told him no, he couldn't have it. He asked why, and she said simply because she liked it, but he knew it had some sort of magical property and was important.
They went back to her ship, where she seemed to think she had Jack as a prisoner, though he was free to walk about. She was doing a load of laundry on board and Jack said she should wash her new headband. He started going down the list of things she was washing or should wash, naming her pants, shirt, bra, vest, and finally headpiece and tossed it into the washer.
He started doing that thing that Captain Jack does best, wandering the room talking somewhat aimlessly, eventually coming full circle to stab the ceiling and swing around on the blade over the washer, grabbing the headpiece from inside as he went. At some point there was a strange scene of him washing part of his own pants or something; they were thick and white but had a big dirt stain on the back. He put a cleaner on it and rubbed it in, but it ate through the clothing and he started pulling fibers off of it, even though it did take out the dirt, too.
At another point, we're driving to go to a nice vacation spot. I don't remember who was driving, but there were two cars. I think my kids were in the car, too. I wasn't strapped in at first but then we started going around narrow cliff sides and across flimsy wooden bridges, and as beautiful as it all looked out there, we were very high up in the mountains and I didn't want to die if the truck slipped, so I strapped myself in and tried to ignore how close to the edge the tires were coming.
We eventually made it to a beautiful hotel type place, with sparkling pools of crystal clear blue water, and gorgeous water plants, with lots of vegetation around the edges. Each pool had a door leading inside the lavish hotel. There were even gift shops and stuff.
An old friend of mine was there (we're not friends anymore), and I was showing her some of the magical gifts they had, like rock sets and a small crystal egg thing with a voice recording that sounded like our magic school teacher doing a guided meditation.
We even saw a live snake with black-and-red stripes—there may have been other colors too but I remember black and red. He was just swimming along the top of the water of the pool we were at, away from us near the wall of the pool (all the pools were held in naturally by natural rock formations).
There was a couple beside us with a little boy—he was a baby but he was very big for his age—and the dad was holding him but asked me to put my hand on the kid's head. I did so and then the dad took his free hand to brush the boy's hair. Apparently the kid wouldn't let anyone but a stranger touch his hair, which is why he needed me to distract him so the kid would think I was brushing his hair even though it was really the dad doing it.
We go inside and the president is there. Not sure what he was the president of. He was worried because the snake had come inside the hotel into the room we were in. The room was dark and filled with rich, carved trim and soft furniture and expensive showpieces and art. There were many many doors around the room, and they were all dark, but one was painted red. He said it was red to mark that it was the door the snake came in at, and it was propped open slightly to try to lead the snake back out, but he wouldn't go.
I grabbed two nearby pool sticks and put one under the head of the snake and one under the body to try to carry him. Although I got to the door, it wasn't open enough, so I had to manage. Eventually I got him outside without being bitten.
But then he was in one of the pretty pools, and I was worried he'd bite someone anyway. I watched as he went in another door, which led to a library. The library was empty and very dark; it had windows with long slender blinds over them and they were open just enough to see through the slits to a dark and rainy moonlit night. Which is crazy, because it was just bright daylight out not long earlier.
I managed to use the pool sticks on the snake again, though he didn't like it. It was more of a struggle and I had to start using them like chopsticks, holding the snakes head still. I managed to get him out a window, but it was like I could talk to it now, and I heard it exclaim how excited he was when he found his way into someone's house right next door. He was in their kitchen and I was trying to tell him he shouldn/t be there, but what could I do? He was happy.