My dreams take me to the wierdest places—sometimes good, sometimes bad—but there are some of them I just don't want to forget. So good or bad, they go here. My dreams take me on a journey into the farthest parts of my mind. If I can figure out what they mean, maybe I can understand myself a bit better. You are more than welcome to take this journey with me, but don't judge what you read. Remember, it was just a dream.

That said, a lot of these dreams have at least one part of them that would be great in a story. Some of them would make amazing stories all on their own, so I do get a lot of writing inspiration from these pages. Maybe one day you'll read one of my stories and know exactly which dream inspired it!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Canasta with Sheldon

I know, it's been a long time since I've recorded my dreams. It's been a long time since I've had the time to do so. Here's a quick description of a dream I had, that I posted to facebook. Wish I would have typed it up here too!

I just had a dream that I was playing canasta with Sheldon while Penny and Leonard sang Madonna behind us to an invisible crowd.
Oh, and we were each playing with a ball of yarn--mine was brown and Sheldon's was green--and I think they represented our lives, because as we moved we pulled at the yarn. Sometimes it came out easy and sometimes it got tangled.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Snake-Charmed Lawyer

I typed this up immediately after waking up the next morning, but made a billion typos and never published it. I don't know if I finished typing it all up or not, but I went through and fixed the typos (and made it into full sentences as best I could) so here's what it ended up as. It was three full dreams.


I was at Mcdonald's with my friend and her parents. I had left my wallet at home, and people kept cutting in front of me. They served fried chicken.

In the dream I worked at a law firm, and I was the third Charmed One along with Piper and Phoebe.

I was put on an assignment to travel from somewhere to school, and I drove a cart. There were some people with me, though I don't remember who they were; we drove through the streets and I thought I could find the way from where we were but I got lost in the neighborhood. Everything started going crazy—all sorts of animals began attacking everyone, including dogs, sheep, cows, tigers, cats, etc. We had to drive around with the cart dodging animals till we could find the school.

Finally, we found the school (law firm) and went inside. There was a tall guy with short black shaved hair, pale skin, and wide eyes with deep sockets...he looked so familiar, like I knew him from somewhere in life, and I'm pretty sure I really did know this guy somewhere. I bumped into him in the hall. He was mean and tried to fight and argue, but I just kept going. Went down the hall to where Piper was...sort of like a hospital room, but she could walk around, though I'm not sure what she was in for. Gave her a drink and went to the other side of the firm to find Phoebe. Tall guy tried to pick a fight again and threatened to kill me.

In the last room on that floor, I found Phoebe with our mentor. He was very cute, slightly older, shortish light brown hair, and looked wise. While he was sitting at his computer, I told him the story of what had happened that day, of the tall man and his attitude, and he said he'd help. He was working on a story for Phoebe, looking into the activities of her ex. I glanced down the hall through the crack where the door was still open and saw the tall man looking around all shifty-like, then he leaned forward as another man leans out of a doorway and kisses him. I started laughing, because I could use that against him around the office to make him leave me alone, since he didn't seem to want anyone to know.

I decided to go take some things down to my truck (as a way to leave Phoebe and our mentor for a few minutes so they wouldn't know why I was laughing). As I walked down the stairs at the front of the building, the tall man was walking up; he walked close to me and tried to trip me. I saw it coming though and managed to sidestep, but my balance was shaky. I reached out to center myself and grabbed the back of the tall man's jacket.  He continued to try shoving me down the stairs, no longer acting like an accident, but I held my balance and he ended up tumbling backward down the center, head first, colliding with the cement landing below. I walked past, glad it wasn't me but a little worried hoping I didn't kill him. He got up with a very pissed-off look on his face (pissed off but oddly emotionless) and walked inside the building.

I went to my truck and dropped some stuff off, but as I went toward building again, Phoebe shouts at me out the window. Apparently she found a picture of her hubby with another woman, from the last time we visited Utah...? Confused, I began heading back inside the building, and I went up with Phoebe and our mentor. At this time, her problem was mostly solved for now, so our mentor continued to work on my issue after I told him about the attempted murder right out front. What a great mentor!

Ready to leave for the day, groups of people were heading out front. Piper and Phoebe were going to meet me at my truck to go home. We walked with a large group. I'm almost by my truck when I see the tall man walk out a few people ahead of me...and of course right then, the crowd slows to a stop from heavy traffic. I'm not sure if the tall man sees me or not.

He looks very angry all of a sudden, very dark, then without warning pulls out his pen and stabs the person in front of him in the back of the neck. He turns to the next person beside him and stabs them as well.

I don't know why I didn't get in my truck. Instead I go to run past some people to my right, but he sees me and pushes me down. I fall against the building and turn over and he is right on top of me with the pen gripped tightly in his white knuckles, his arm tense, holding it just inches from my face. I can see the blood dripping from the end of the pen when I see that he didn't even click it; the pen is still retracted and hes been stabbing people with a blunt hole at the end of the pen. He looks extremely scary as he goes to stab my neck. I catch his arm but I can still feel the pain of the pressure against my throat. I tell him desperately that I know his secret, though I'm not sure why I thought that would help, because he gets completely enraged and tries to stab me again. I tell him if he stabs me, I'll tell everyone his secret.

Not sure how I got out of that one; someone must have saved me. But I lived somehow.


In the next dream, I wasn't actually there. Instead I was watching Captain Jack, sailing the high seas. He comes across a ship being attacked by other pirates and decides to check it out. One of the pirates was a woman that he knew.

He went to grab a headband piece he saw, but the woman pirate took it first and told him no, he couldn't have it. He asked why, and she said simply because she liked it, but he knew it had some sort of magical property and was important.

They went back to her ship, where she seemed to think she had Jack as a prisoner, though he was free to walk about. She was doing a load of laundry on board and Jack said she should wash her new headband. He started going down the list of things she was washing or should wash, naming her pants, shirt, bra, vest, and finally headpiece and tossed it into the washer.

He started doing that thing that Captain Jack does best, wandering the room talking somewhat aimlessly, eventually coming full circle to stab the ceiling and swing around on the blade over the washer, grabbing the headpiece from inside as he went. At some point there was a strange scene of him washing part of his own pants or something; they were thick and white but had a big dirt stain on the back. He put a cleaner on it and rubbed it in, but it ate through the clothing and he started pulling fibers off of it, even though it did take out the dirt, too.


At another point, we're driving to go to a nice vacation spot. I don't remember who was driving, but there were two cars. I think my kids were in the car, too. I wasn't strapped in at first but then we started going around narrow cliff sides and across flimsy wooden bridges, and as beautiful as it all looked out there, we were very high up in the mountains and I didn't want to die if the truck slipped, so I strapped myself in and tried to ignore how close to the edge the tires were coming.

We eventually made it to a beautiful hotel type place, with sparkling pools of crystal clear blue water, and gorgeous water plants, with lots of vegetation around the edges. Each pool had a door leading inside the lavish hotel. There were even gift shops and stuff.

An old friend of mine was there (we're not friends anymore), and I was showing her some of the magical gifts they had, like rock sets and a small crystal egg thing with a voice recording that sounded like our magic school teacher doing a guided meditation.

We even saw a live snake with black-and-red stripes—there may have been other colors too but I remember black and red. He was just swimming along the top of the water of the pool we were at, away from us near the wall of the pool (all the pools were held in naturally by natural rock formations).

There was a couple beside us with a little boy—he was a baby but he was very big for his age—and the dad was holding him but asked me to put my hand on the kid's head. I did so and then the dad took his free hand to brush the boy's hair. Apparently the kid wouldn't let anyone but a stranger touch his hair, which is why he needed me to distract him so the kid would think I was brushing his hair even though it was really the dad doing it.

We go inside and the president is there. Not sure what he was the president of. He was worried because the snake had come inside the hotel into the room we were in. The room was dark and filled with rich, carved trim and soft furniture and expensive showpieces and art. There were many many doors around the room, and they were all dark, but one was painted red. He said it was red to mark that it was the door the snake came in at, and it was propped open slightly to try to lead the snake back out, but he wouldn't go.

I grabbed two nearby pool sticks and put one under the head of the snake and one under the body to try to carry him. Although I got to the door, it wasn't open enough, so I had to manage. Eventually I got him outside without being bitten.

But then he was in one of the pretty pools, and I was worried he'd bite someone anyway. I watched as he went in another door, which led to a library. The library was empty and very dark; it had windows with long slender blinds over them and they were open just enough to see through the slits to a dark and rainy moonlit night. Which is crazy, because it was just bright daylight out not long earlier.

I managed to use the pool sticks on the snake again, though he didn't like it. It was more of a struggle and I had to start using them like chopsticks, holding the snakes head still. I managed to get him out a window, but it was like I could talk to it now, and I heard it exclaim how excited he was when he found his way into someone's house right next door. He was in their kitchen and I was trying to tell him he shouldn/t be there, but what could I do? He was happy.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Attack of the Mayhem Man

This dream was insane. And vivid. You know the guy from the car insurance commericals, who acts like various disasters that could ruin your vehicle, calls himself "Mayhem"? He was in my dream, also causing Mayhem. And destroying life as I knew it.

I was at home with my boys. Standing on the front porch looking down the driveway, I see a car by the mailbox that is just sitting there. I start to go down the driveway to check it out. As I pass by the lake, I see some people fishing (I guess we knew they were there, because I didn't question it) and our lawyer was there too. When I finally reach the mailbox, the car has changed from white to green, and there is a man next to our gate with his back to me. He hears me coming and turns around... and it's the Mayhem man!

He says his name is Duke, and that he's looking for somewhere to hold an animal adoption drive of some sort. Despite my attempts to decline his offer to hold it at my house, he pushes past me and finds a sign up just inside my gate. I don't know if he put the sign there, or simply began altering one that he put up, but before I knew it there was a sign talking about puppies and cute lonely kittens. I didn't realize at the time that it was a cleverly designed trap.

While I was following Duke and trying to stop him from putting up his sign, I was being distracted by two french women. They were fashion models or designers, and they definitely looked the part. They had on tight dark jeans, shirts that only had one sleeve and hung at angles around their waists, their hair was cut short and layered, and their eye makeup was smoky and seductive. Unfortunately, they were very mean. I was simply wearing dark jeans, cowgirl boots, and a 3/4 wide-sleeve brown sweater I wear often. Apparently they were judging my sense of style, and I was failing. They were walking around me in circles with distasteful looks on their faces, talking between each other as if I wasn't even there. They did eventually go away, but only because it seemed like the adoption drive was all set up and ready for guests.

People started arriving. No one went past the lake though, luckily, so even though it was held on our property the guests stayed away from the house. There were lots of people, and they all looked rich--some of them even looked familiar, as if I had seen them on TV or something. Duke stepped forward out of the crowd... and Mayhem ensued.

Everyone started dying. It was like they were all being tortured, and that they were slowly dying in ways similar to whatever movies or shows they had acted in. They all died in ways they knew, in ways they had pretended to die. It was bloody, gory, and downright terrifying... and all during a beautiful, bright, cloudless, perfect summer day. Duke was dancing among them, laughing and touching their shoulders and heads, where worse maladies spread from his fingertips like wildfire. The worst part was that their screams were muffled, and what I heard clearly were their pleas. The words they spoke rather than moaned. The cries for help that they vocalized rather than squealed.

I was safe, though. No injury or illness took me. But I did have a woman fall over me, and I knew I had to try to help her. She looked vaguely similar to Angelina Jolie, but much younger. Her skin was turning inky black, and as it did so it was killing her. It would begin at her hands, and as it went down her arms her hands would shrink and take shape of simply black balls on the ends of black wrists, till all that was left was black stubs as it traveled towards her shoulders. The irony lay in the fact that from a distance, she appeared to be wearing sparkly black arm-length gloves, and the twisting and turning she was doing in agony seemed like an exotic dance. Anyone who drove by would simply think we were having an excentric party for the rich and famous. The deaths and torture were beautifully mortifying.

I reached up the woman's arms and found that where the black began was a separate layer from her skin. It was like skintight latex; llike a layer of plastic wrap that had been spraypainted on for a perfect fit. I grabbed the ends and pulled it down her arms, and although it felt wrong and nasty, like I was peeling off a layer of her skin, it instead came off her wrist stubbs and appeared to elongate her arms back to their normal size. I began moving frantically, removing layer after layer of black inky skin, and as I did so her arms were growing back underneath. I was still having to fight the black, because it was trying hard to take over as I was peeling it back. It leapt from her arms and lashed around her waist. I pulled the last bit from her hands then started working on her back, tearing off layers that were climbing between her shoulder blades. I think it hurt her as I did all this, but she knew it was to save her life.

We did eventually get it all off of her, and I shoved her toward the gate to leave. I knew that if she just got out of the gate, she would be safe. She didn't want to leave me after I had saved her, but I knew I had to stay--my kids were here, after all, and I couldnt leave Duke alone on the property. She left, and I knew I had saved her. But when I turned to face the rest of the dying guests, it was too late. Not only was the yard covered with dead bodies and body parts, but the sun was shining in an almost sickening way, so bright and cheerful that it seemed to be taking away some of the horror and sadness of what had happened. It wasn't right, to just cover the emotions that should be felt for such loss. With a wave of his hand, Duke made everyone else disappear, and he smiled.

Now we were standing face to face, about 20 feet apart. He stood on the driveway, just beside the spillway where the lake overflows. I was slightly farther up the driveway, so technically he was standing in my way of reaching the house, even though we were still at least 1/8 of a mile from the house. He was off to the side though, so if I decided to make a run for it, I had a pretty good chance, depending on how fast he was. My kids were standing beside me now, still young (still four and two years old). I told Duke that he shouldn't be here, and that it was time for me and my boys to go home. I had a feeling that he would try to stop us, so I sent my kids to the house on four wheelers. Each kid was suddenly on a four wheeler, heading in opposite directions. They were to take zigzaging paths to the house, and when they got there, they were to go inside and hide away from windows and doors. Duke and I stared at each other for a few moments, then I took off toward the house at a full sprint. Part of what kept me moving was the fact that Duke wasn't phased at all by the idea of us running from him. He didn't even seem like he was going to chase us... he was too calm.

As I reached the house I saw one of the four wheelers outside and I knew David had made it  back safely. Night had fallen rather quickly, and the sky was already black. When I openned the front door, a mouse ran from the other side of the house all the way to the door and outside. I stood just inside, with David comfortably and obliviously playing a game in the living room. I watched out the door as Duke slowly walked closer and closer up the driveway. He stood in the yard, just on the edge of the darkness, and watched me in return.

I heard the other four wheeler come up to the house, and I stepped outside to bring my son in safely. Levi walked up the ramp into the house, and Duke just stood there watching us. He made no attempt to follow us or come closer. I backed up slowly until I was in the door again, made sure my kids were safe, then shut and locked the door securely. The kids played games in the living room while I paced the house, ensuring the doors and windows were all locked and that Duke had no way to enter. When I paced back to the front door I jumped back when I saw he had moved up onto the porch and was examining the door, searching for a way inside. He was laughing slightly, like he thought it was funny that we could keep him out.

I grabbed my phone and called my husband, who was working late. I told him about how Duke was on the porch trying to get inside, and how scared I was for me and the kids. Duke  found an old gun on the porch, one that shouldn't have been able to work, but he managed to make it fire anyways. He didn't hit anyone, but I was even more afraid than before. All I kept seeing in my head was my boys in danger. I was still on the phone with my hubby, but it would take too long for him to get home.

I woke up shortly afterwards, but not before the image of Duke on the front porch, staring at me with a gun in his hands, was burned into my mind.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Go Go Power Rangers! 2!

Well, the dream last night was definitely one of the more strange. It was a piece of my childhood tossed up with some of my current life and mixed together in a way only the dream world can mix.

We were Power Rangers. Me, Mike, Chris, Megan, and some other girl. The green ranger was still Tommy though, and me and the other girls were trying to convince him to stay good (we knew he was supposed to be evil and kill us but we thought we could change him). We did a pretty good job though, because when he was supposed to turn evil he listened to us and stayed good. Yay!

Right after all that, we were at school (as the Power Rangers usually are in their down time).  There was a very mean girl there, a preppy chearleader type named Jennie (or something similar, there were 2 n's in her name). I got into a slight arguement with her and she was very mean to me. Immediately afterwards, another girl began showing me a phone/tablet app game, where you send a picture or jumble of words to a friend and they have to pick out the double letters. I thought it was funny because the first word I was shown was Jennie's name, because of the double n's.

I wanted to learn this game, and so I got it on my tablet. I tried to play it, the first image I recieved was like a picture of the Earth with a bird sitting on it, and I was supposed to pick out the two letter F's in the image... Then I got a jumble of words and I picked out the matching sets of letters, but I was confused.Throughout the entire part, I knew I was supposed to pick doubles, two was a very very VERY strong number here. But the strongest feeling I got was that I was very confused and that I didnt understand.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Terry, Moving the House, and New Star Wars

Terry was there.

That is the most important thing to note and I must state this first. Terry was there. From the first dream to the second, he was there.

In the first dream, I was traveling around an older town with my hubby. It seemed to be mostly run down and out of use. Sometimes we are driving a car, sometimes we are walking. We come to an old building with some cars beside it, and people carrying things back and forth into the building. As we pass the cars and I glimpse faces, I mention to hubby that they were famous actors,  and I wish we had a pen so I could have gotten their autographs. We decide to follow them into the building and see what is going on.

The building is much larger on the inside, and it is full of lights and cameras and people bustling every which way. It was dark, with metal rafters in the high ceiling. There was a large canyon in the center of the room, with opposing cliffsides. They are filming a movie! It seems to be a new version of Star Wars, and the roll of Luke Skywalker was played by a man who was previously an acrobat. He was causing a scene, and not one for the movie. He was complaining that he wasnt being given enough credit for the hard work he was doing, and his job wasnt showing off his terrific acrobatic skills.

We took a break from the excitement of the filming to visit a nearby gas station for some food. I don't remember why or what they had, but all I remember from there was some odd sort of burrito.

Next thing I knew we were driving around. There was a building. It was small, and just sort of sitting there at a cross section. It was old and dirty, but I decided to go inside. There were a few different rooms, but one stood out. Terry was inside. I don't remember much really, but he was there. I remember hugging him, and it felt very real. I was excited and happy to finally get to hug him again.

Then the next dream came around, and this time I was back at my dad's old house (my step-mom's house). The house appeared to be on a few acres, and nothing else was around. Sort of like a video game, you could play in your area and no where else. I was searching around the outside of the house for my cat, who was missing. I couldn't find her anywhere. Then it started to snow. It wasn't real snow though, it was tiny pieces of straw and dust which I saw was coming off the roof. The house needed repair.

Everyone was there suddenly, to help move the house. I'm not sure why it needed to be moved. Probably because suddenly it was flooding. We checked all the rooms to see that all the furniture was out of it. I saw my sisters' bedrooms, bathrooms, and a living room. It wasn't laid out the way I remember though; it was completely lined up. Bedrooms on the left of the house matched up with rooms on the right, a bathroom on one side of the hall lined up with another bathroom on the other side. I was going down the row, checking the rooms. Each door I came to that was closed, I would look over and my sister would nod or shake her head, and that was how I knew whether or not I could open the door.

Everyone went outside and began to lift the house. It was suddenly made of very thin flimsy material, like cardboard. It was flopping side to side as we carried it, and water was sloshing out of it from where it had flooded. But the land was a bit marshy in sections, so we had to find a good place to set it. We found the best section we could, though it still didn't seem good enough. We set the house back down and it went back to normal.

There were stairs now leading up to the front door. I was still looking around, calling for my kitty. Terry came up to me, leaned down over the steps to the house, and pulled out my kitty. I was so happy that he found her! I think we laughed a bit, and talked. But sadly, the dream had to end.

It was like a wonderful visit with a friend, and maybe he'll visit again sometime soon. I really hope so.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

About The Strange Man

When I woke up but was still in a trance, I felt like my vision clouded over and I was looking at a wall or a desktop. My vision pulled back until a piece of paper appeared, and had a bunch of things typed up on it. My mind went straight to two lines near the top, and focused in on two words... Names I think.


 Who was this man? He appears in two of my dreams back to back but is calm and collected and does not seem to actually fit into either. I dont think he was supposed to be there. He is not tall, but not short, just taller than me. Short black hair, might be a deep brown. Light skinned. His eyes seemed to stay half open, like his eyelids just naturally didnt open all the way. It made him seem very nonchalant and collected, and he was unconcerned with anything in my dreams at all. Just me.

He spoke of a song... I cant remember... Goddess... Something. By Black... Something... A random person in my dreams interacted by looking up the song instantly and spoke of the meaning behind the lyrics. This man laughed and said he himself needed to pay more attention to them. They were deep, but I cant recall them. In the dreams he may have been wearing black or blue jeans, with a white shirt. He could have had a jacket on, maybe denim, maybe leather.

The Strange Man--Dream 3

I was throwing a party. There were many people there, most of them I knew: Mike, Chris, Megan, and a few others that I dont think were normally there, but i cant recall their faces so it must not be important. Everyone was huddled around the pool table, just talking and laughing, while I was in the living room. There was a very old tv set where our fish tank is now, and I was watching a type of survivor show. There were four contestants, christians vs witches. The first two were the christians. Older ladies, long gray hair, one thin the other. One I think wore an orange shirt, the other had on a red sweater. They held bibles in their hands and were preaching in a very pointed way, the first quieter and the second more heatedly, but definitely making it a point that the bible must be read and god be worshipped. Then it was the witches. The first one was thinner and talked about the craft, was very informative and secretive at the same time.

The second was larger and was full of so much energy and life that she came right out of the screen and into my living room! I knew I was liking her right from the start, as she was smiling in pure joy and love of life, not a worry or care for the thoughts of others. She had long brown hair to her waist, and the closer she got the more I noticed what she was wearing. She had on a crocheted cardigan, long, almost to her knees. It was in so many colors, the entire rainbow must have been present there! She had an array of silver and gold necklaces around her neck and multiple bracelets on her arms. Rings on most of her fingers, some thin and some bulky. She may have also been wearing a scarf. No one else seemed to really take notice that this woman was suddenly in my living room, singing and dancing happily. Not a sexy dance like men want a woman to do, but one with her arms moving up and down, her hands in the air, bouncing about merrily. It was so energetic and happy, I couldnt stop myself from joining her. I do not dance at all, EVER, but seeing this woman here and the feelings I felt from her, I went right along dancing with her, the same dance as she, and even though she mostly blocked everyones view of me, I didnt care much if they did see me. They still werent paying attention though. When the song ended we both stopped dancing but I felt incredible and so full of life. She was still smiling as if she knew.

At this point I will pause to interject with another dream that occured simultaneously to this one, but that coincides here soon. These events took place leading up to now. I knew I was going to throw this party. I had reached out and extended the invitation to a few people, one of them being Doris from the spell closet. She said she'd try to make it but wasnt sure she was really feeling up to it. We were on the phone I think, but as she told me why she wouldnt make it I could see it for myself so clearly that it was as if we were in person. She said she was getting paralysis, but only on her right side, on the right side of her face. That side was drooping badly, her eye, nose, mouth, cheeks. She was going to lie down and hope it got better soon.

There was suddenly a dark bedroom, and her husband was already sleeping on his side (standing at the foot of the bed, his was on the left). As she climbed into bed and laid down, she sighed as if giving in to something, and lifted the covers. Then another woman, one with dark blonde hair, climbs into bed between them. The husband of course sleeps soundly throughout this entire thing. The blonde wants to make doris feel better and usually does, so she tries to heal her. She does so by taking her index finger and prodding at doris' face, pushing the skin upwards towards its natural position over and over. Although it doesnt seem to actually be working for doris, some part of it definitely worked for the blonde, because she stops and looks down between her legs as a warm clear fluid flows out of her and soaks the bed. Doris feels it and jumps out of bed at the shock of realizing this woman, whom she called her sister, just had a sexual response from touching her. She seems visibly shocked and a bit unsure if she should be disgusted, but she definitely did not seem to have expected any such reaction. The blonde was trying not to smile, but was apologizing and saying she didnt expect it to happen and it wouldnt again. It did not take long before doris climbed back into bed, her face much better than before, and her blonde sister looked at her with love and respect as they both drifted off.

Now back to the party so I can tie this together. The energetic witch and I start talking, excitedly. She has so much she wants to show me! She begins pulling things from a tote bag... Crocheted pieces she did! There was a gorgeous pair of socks and a lovely hat, both made from crochet thread. The socks seemed to be a modern rendition of something that might have been worn in olden days before elastic. Just above the ankle there were spaces left around the sock which a white ribbon was weaved through. After putting the sock on, you simply pulled the string tight and tied it. The hat was like a sunhat, with little charms dangling from the brim. I showed her some of what I had made, projects I was working on now that were completed in this dream, and she exclaimed that we would have to exchange patterns! Everyone else started moving to the living room now, and a few were complimenting her on her work, though most of everyone was just walking past us. I went to get something or examine something and lost track of everything around me. When I looked up again I didnt see anyone, they had all gone.

It was at this time that my bedroom door opened and doris walked out! Apparently our houses were connected. She looked much better, but seemed to still be weak. She looked around as she told me that she felt bad about having been invited but not coming, and she decided a few minutes wouldnt hurt. She asked where everyone had went. Just as I was about to reply that I didnt know, he showed up. The same nonchalant man from before steps out from beside the fishtank, which was back in its rightful place. I dont know how I didnt see him there before, its not very wide. He is still calm and in control like before, and leans forward, guiding my shoulders gently with his hands, to show me that everyone was out front sitting on a trailer in the driveway, taking a smoke break. Doris thanked me as if he wasnt there and stepped out front, it was very sunny outside and bright and welcoming. But the man pulls me back and says "no, you're coming with me." We go through the house and out a doorway in the side that isnt really there in real life, and climb into a car in a carport that isnt really there.

The man gets into the driver seat, I get into the back behind him, and I see that there is already another guy in the front passenger seat as well as someone in the back with me (there might have been both a man and a woman in the back seat with me, but I dont think they were important). I wasnt paying attention to where we were going--I didnt know whether to trust this man or not, but he seemed to know where he was going, what he was doing, and besides, no one else in any of my dreams seemed to even be able to see him. I dont recall actually being able to see anything outside the car windows but I knew we were moving. The other passengers were the first people I had seen who acknowledged this man's existence. They had a settled in feeling to them, like people who got on the bus at a stop before yours. They were content with their position in the vehicle and already adjusted to the movement and vibrations of the vehicle. there was no telling just how long they had already been in there. The man in the passenger seat was so excited about something that he just started talking, looking back and forth between everyone in the vehicle to try to get them involved in his ramblings. The man decided to indulge the passenger at one point, commenting on the mention of a song or type of music. He said something about a song called Goddess...something, by a band called Black...something. And how it was a great song that he could really vibe to, and how we should listen to it sometime. I had my tablet with me (when did I grab that?) but the passenger had his phone and had looked it up in an instant. I cant remember the tune but it was deep, and the passenger then went looking for the lyrics and said that they were... Well, I dont remember the word he used. But the man laughed and tossed some comment out, something light and friendly though im not sure he really agreed with the passenger. We never reached our destination, before I woke up.

The Strange Man - Dreams 1 and 2

It was another night with three dreams. This no longer surprises me when this happens. Of course, a reoccuring presence and a vision did surprise me.
This will be split into three posts: the first having two dreams, the second having a dream, and the third describing the strange man and the vision.

Dream 1

In the first dream I had, its fading fast,  I remember going out to eat with two people and we were sitting at a small round table. We were talking about going to someones house or something, but a drink or ice had spilled in my lap and instantly spread to make the center of my jean shorts soaked. I did not want the person sitting across from me to see me like that, so we decided to swing into my house first for some made up reason so I could change... My house was like an abandoned two story manor, I saw no furniture, and paint and wallpaper were peeling in the back wall. I saw there was a small stairwell that only seemed to have a few steps and led to nothing, but I knew I had to climb them. The railing was old and broken and someone else was fighting me to climb the stairs first, a woman I think. We struggled, I said I was only looking for one thing but she wouldnt listen and we broke the railing off completely. I tore away the remaining fragments and it appeared as if there was never a railing. I was afraid of falling but I did not fear to climb those steps, because I knew I had to.

Dream 2

I woke up in bed suddenly in the middle of the night. The room was a little hazy, and something didnt feel quite right. I went to stand and saw that a wall of my room was missing beyond the edge of the bed. Like the bed was pushed into the corner, with the short end against one wall. But the wall only went to the end of the bed, just barely a few inchesbeyond it, and stopped, leaving a huge space to the yard. There was a moon in the sky, but I only just remembered that. I dont know if I saw it there, but I felt it. The wall was made that way, to be open. It was as if the outdoors was being incorporated into the room, and actually the outdoors WAS the room. But it was outside. Perhaps it was the fence of the backyard that made me still feel enclosed. I knew something was wrong here. When I stood up, the first thing noticed is that my hubby was sitting in the doorway between inside and out, with a hat pulled down over his eyes, and he was sleeping.

As my gaze swept the yard it came to rest on two strange men standing just the other side of the wall--intruders. They both were wearing black leather jackets, one had long greasy brown hair that went to his shoulders. They were standing there smoking, as if taking a break in the cool night air before continuing a job. One of them must have seen me, because the long haired one spun about in surprise and pulled out a small black handgun to point in my face. I jumped backward a bit, threw my hands up in front of my face, and exclaimed "woah, hey, no, what are you doing, are you crazy, my husband is sleeping right there!" which although it fit in the dream doesnt seem to be the right words, not what I think I would have said. but I did. As if on cue, hubby wakes up with a start at hearing me talking and tries to stand when he sees the two men, but stops and stays sitting when he sees the gun. He is alarmed and I can see he is worried for me. The men seem like they are either on drugs or very nervous, they are shaking slightly, cant hold the gun straight, stuttering words, sweating, and definitely unprepared. However, they were together enough to direct me out of the room and into the yard. I think one pushed me to make me go faster, but next thing I knew I was on my knees in the center of the yard, possibly by a small tree. The long haired man seemed to know who I was and I do think I recognized him, or he at least reminded me of someone. An old family friend perhaps, but one that wasnt a very good influence. He did not seem ro have very good control of the gun, though he thought he did. He fumbled with something on it, I couldnt see but im guessing it was the safety. I raised it up to my head (keep in mind he was about 20 yards away though) and I knew he was going to kill me. This is what he was here for, I was to die.

He pulled the trigger and I flinched, spinning around till I was facing the back fence. I heard a loud popping sound and felt a rush of air speed past the right side of my head. I didnt know what to think, but I was terrified and so decided to stay perfectly still. Definitely frozen in fear. The long haired man taunted me, saying "oh, did that hurt?" (no, it didnt.) Then he raised the gun back up and fired another few times, maybe 5 times, toward the back of my head, this time I heard the shots but did not get hit by them, nor feel them pass me. Something stopped them before they reached me. I continued to sit perfectly still, in shock and fear. They seemed content with their work and turned to leave. Hubby was still sitting in the doorway staring at the men in disbelief and disgust. They could not leave the way they came, because there was a wooden fence there now, so they had to walk past hubby and leave on the other side of the house.

I finally turned around slowly and saw another man there. This part I did not remember till waking, like I literally did not realize this part happened when it happened. Hubby still did not move, just shook his head and I understood that he was only observing. I was thankful to be alive but confused about why I was--clearly those men had come with their entire purpose to kill me. But this guy here now, he was different. He was cool and collected, and seemed like he had no cares or worries at all. He was moving as if he had done all this, seen all this, and knew what he was doing. He was leaning against the wall, something in his mouth though I dont think he smoked. He straightened up and walked toward me, saying something, like his work there was done and like I should have been going with him or maybe there was something he knew about the immediate future that I could know but only if I asked, but this part seemed to be cut short by my mind deciding to switch dreams

Loving a Techie Genius Con Artist

In this dream, the techie man I had been so in love with looked and sounded exactly like Alec Steele, the blacksmith. It was pretty amazing....