My dreams take me to the wierdest places—sometimes good, sometimes bad—but there are some of them I just don't want to forget. So good or bad, they go here. My dreams take me on a journey into the farthest parts of my mind. If I can figure out what they mean, maybe I can understand myself a bit better. You are more than welcome to take this journey with me, but don't judge what you read. Remember, it was just a dream.

That said, a lot of these dreams have at least one part of them that would be great in a story. Some of them would make amazing stories all on their own, so I do get a lot of writing inspiration from these pages. Maybe one day you'll read one of my stories and know exactly which dream inspired it!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Recent Dreams-- The Beast Within

I'm sorry that I haven't been recording my dreams lately. I've had a few, and when I wake up, instead of recording them I sit there and think about them, until I realize my day is passing me by, and I get up and get started on chores and other things... then I forget about the dream, and by the time I consider recording it, I tell myself I've forgotten too much.

Well I think I'll go ahead and write up at least what I can remember of the past couple I've had. It's only fair to the dream journal.

Last night I had a dream, that I was running from something. I was always moving, always traveling, always making sure I was lost in a sea of strangers. Late one night, while waiting for a ferry to come in and take me across a misty river, I met someone who recognized me. They said they were from my past, and though I couldn't quite place them, they were excited to see me--as if it was granting them some sort of closure to be able to talk to me. It shook me up, knowing that I had made an impact on someone's life. I didn't see how, I was making sure I never stayed in one place long, and I didn't want people to know me. They wouldn't like me if they knew me.

So I continued on, and this town I had come to seemed to have some military members conducting a government operation or experiment. From the whispers, I could just barely make out a few scattered phrases. "Dragon." "Escaped!" "Dangerous. Highly dangerous." I slipped into their main base of operations to see if I could find out more. It wasn't set up like a military base at all, but more like a science expedition. But there were children running around, a boy and a girl, chasing each other. I decided I'd go out into the field soon and look for this dragon myself, but first I had to go to the bathroom (certain womanly things I had no control over had to be taken care of) and of course I happened to find an oddly shaped bathroom, where you walk through the door into a small office area, with a spiral staircase that goes around the room to the actual bathroom area up top. There was no separate privacy up there, you just had to ensure the door was locked. I had to shoo the kids out first, because they had run into there to chase each other up and down the stairs. Luckily for me, the office apparently had women workers and came well-equipped for my needs.

I left the building shortly thereafter and went off near this grassy cliffside, where there was a small gathering of people discussing where the dragon may have gone. They seemed to be setting up a transparent cage of sorts, and of course without thinking I stepped inside to look around. This, ironically (or perhaps it was an act of fate?), was when the dragon came. It was a smart beast, and saw the cage for what it was. Everyone was running and screaming, because the beast itself was invisible and no one could see it. I could sense it. I crouched down in the cage, and felt the beast above. I could feel it in my mind. It was much smarter than they had given it credit for. It was going to push the cage over the edge of the cliff... unfortunately, I was still inside.

Just as I felt myself sliding towards what would surely be my death, I reached out to the beast, with my mind. I told it that I wasn't afraid of it, that I knew it was good, and that I wasn't ready to die. And it saved me. I fell over the side of the cliff, but the beast held the cage still for a few extra minutes before dropping it. Those few minutes gave me the time to realize while I was falling that I could suddenly fly. The dragon had given me the gift of flight! Or rather, the knowledge of how to use flight, propelled by our own thoughts. I think I was more shocked by the fact that we had this ability dormant in each of us already, than by the reality that I was, in fact, flying.

I was so excited, that I flew up, being able to sense in my mind where the dragon was, and flew over to it, and wrapped my arms around it's neck, crying words of thanks with grateful tears streaming down my face. I was feeling so much emotion, and the dragon seemed to almost laugh, as if it was somehow relieved. I felt a surge of love from it, and it was familiar. I knew who this was. The same person who had recognized me, from my past, was also this great beast. And suddenly, I could see him. He was no longer camouflaged for me, I could see every inch of him, all his scales and wings and deep burning eyes. It was trust that let me see past it. We left that place together, flew above it all, and came down in a shaded woodland area. He became human again, and thanked me repeatedly for what he thought I did. He kept telling me I saved him. We went our own ways that night, but with a new friendship that we both knew would last a lifetime.

Though I continued running after that extraordinary day, I went about it from a new angle. This time, I wanted people to know me. I wanted them to know who I was. To trust me. Because one day, if I too became a beast, I want people to remember me the way I was. Likeable and trustworthy. To know not to be afraid of me, and to talk to me. To help me identify the beast within, and be able to fly above the fear, above the pain, and above the hatred, and to be myself again. We all need the social interaction that helps us remember who we are.

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Loving a Techie Genius Con Artist

In this dream, the techie man I had been so in love with looked and sounded exactly like Alec Steele, the blacksmith. It was pretty amazing....