My dreams take me to the wierdest places—sometimes good, sometimes bad—but there are some of them I just don't want to forget. So good or bad, they go here. My dreams take me on a journey into the farthest parts of my mind. If I can figure out what they mean, maybe I can understand myself a bit better. You are more than welcome to take this journey with me, but don't judge what you read. Remember, it was just a dream.

That said, a lot of these dreams have at least one part of them that would be great in a story. Some of them would make amazing stories all on their own, so I do get a lot of writing inspiration from these pages. Maybe one day you'll read one of my stories and know exactly which dream inspired it!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Not My Guineas, Grandma!

In the dream:

We were still living in this house, but my husband's grandma was living here with us. She is the kind of person, in my opinion, that you have to walk on pins and needles around. You have to be careful of what you say and do, because much like The Godfather she is a person you do not want to piss off. Not that she would have anyone killed, but the house we are living in belongs to her and there is always the fear that she will tell us to get out. Besides, I try to be as calm and passive around my husband's family as possible, since I do not want to cause any problems between anyone and my husband, regardless of what I think about someone or a situation. It's not my place in his family.

So we're all sitting down one evening to eat dinner, and his grandma seems strangely friendly that day. She's being talkative and laughing, and we're all getting along and the mood in the room is very upbeat and light. My husband and I shared a glance, as if each asking each other what has gotten into her that she's so happy and NICE. Then I see it: she has an empty bottle of vodka on her side table. This woman was DRUNK.

So immediately I begin my paranoia trip. What did she do that made her feel the need to be too drunk to remember it, or too drunk for us to reason with her? What did she do?!

Then I start to hear them. Vehicles, helicopters... I see spotlights flashing through the windows... I just know this is her doing. I run out the back door, a spotlight blinds me and throw my arm up to block the bright lights. As I lower my arm, everything comes into view. There are black vehicles, cars and vans and jeeps. There is a crane, and they are on the other side of the barn lifting pallets of individual bird boxes over into our yard. There are people in black Mission Impossible outfits carrying various things around, a lot of them with walkie talkies and speaking in code. I see an important looking woman, and i walk over to her. What is going on?!? I'm screaming it, and freaking out.... she tells me they are here for my birds. I am out of regulation on the number of Guineas I can have per square foot on my property or something, she used big words and spoke all "official" so I'm not entirely sure what she said. I turned back to go into the house and almost ran into my husband, who tells me... "She did this... she called them because she said they were annoying her, and she couldnt sleep at night. They're here to take your guineas. I'm sorry." I don't understand because in the dream, I may have hundreds of guineas, but also in the dream, my husband has hundreds of pheasants.

When I turn back around to look out over the yard, suddenly the view changes and it's like im in someone's garage, or maybe a mechanic's car garage, and the garage door is open and the view outside is of my backyard, with special agents running around with nets, shoving guineas into individual cages and stacking them back onto the pallets. All of our birds are still roosting, despite the loud noises and lights, and it is just too easy for the agents to steal my birds right off the roosts.

I beg them, please, let me keep my birds... but no one hears me. So I ask the important looking woman, "I know you cant take them all-- how many can I keep?" Her reply: "Two."

At this point in time I must mention that they are taking away upwards of 200 guineas. In actuality I only have 9 adult birds and 72 keets. In my mind, even in the dream, I think of my 9 birds and I tell them I want to keep my purple one and a lavender. They hand me two individual bird crates, each with a very sad ruffled guinea. I stand there, tears streaming down my face, with two caged birds, and my husband standing next to me with his arm around my shoulders. Behind me, his grandma sits in a chair in the living room, rocking back and forth, and laughing quite maniacally.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

What I think this means:

I think it's a combination of my fear of my husband's grandmother and my worry that my favored guineas wont make it through the heat of summer, that I will lose them. They are doing great though, the adults are free range and care for themselves, and we haven't lost a single keet yet. But why I had this dream last night, I have no idea. Scary. *shudder*

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