My dreams take me to the wierdest places—sometimes good, sometimes bad—but there are some of them I just don't want to forget. So good or bad, they go here. My dreams take me on a journey into the farthest parts of my mind. If I can figure out what they mean, maybe I can understand myself a bit better. You are more than welcome to take this journey with me, but don't judge what you read. Remember, it was just a dream.

That said, a lot of these dreams have at least one part of them that would be great in a story. Some of them would make amazing stories all on their own, so I do get a lot of writing inspiration from these pages. Maybe one day you'll read one of my stories and know exactly which dream inspired it!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Storm Approaches

Last night's dream must have been a foretelling; there is no other explanation. However, for you to understand why I believe this to be true, I must first give you a brief summary of what is going on in my life at this time.

My dad and stepmother are in the process of divorcing. Regardless of who is living where and who gets along with who, my husband will be leaving today to pick up my younger sister from Florida. Yesterday, my stepmother wrote to me that unless certain plans were laid out within the next 24 hours of her letter, my sister would not be able to go at all. Those were the exact words I had been dreading for the past 6 months; that somehow someone would tell me that I could not see my sister. I thought that because it was so close to the time we would pick her up, that there was no way they could possibly take her visit away from me, and yet they tried. So we laid out those plans, but now I am in constant fear that somehow at the very last minute they will tell me once again that I can not see her. This is where my dream comes in.

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I dreamed that it was today; that my husband was all packed and ready to go to to Florida. He would be taking our 2 year old with him for the trip to go pick up my sister. Not 20 minutes before he was about to head out the door, my stepmother calls and tells me "I'm sorry, and I dont know how else to say this than to just say it, but your sister can't come out there. You have a tornado heading straight for your house, and I don't want her out there with that." I was angry at first, because how would she know if we were about to get a tornado? So I checked the weather channel and there was indeed a tornado. There were actually 2, but one was actually heading away from us. The other, however, was aimed for our door and moving fast. We quickly gathered what important items we needed (a small folder of important documents and 3 stuffed animals) and began bagging food, drinks, blankets, and flashlights, and taking them to a small round metal building we have on the side of the house (we are actually using this building as a brooder for pheasant chicks, but at this exact moment in time we didnt mind sharing the space). We had everything ready and together to wait out the storm and pray for our safety, and we each grabbed one of our 2 kids and locked ourselves in the round room.

As the storm approached, the sky darkened. Everything seemed to be a shade of brown coated in sunlight, even though the sky was growing darker by the minute. It was becoming windy, and small rocks, dirt, and debris began swirling by with the gusts. I was lying down, holding my 2 month old tight, and I kept switching between squeezing my 2 month old and my 2 year old. Should the storm be strong enough to lift that building off of us, I did not want to lose either of my children. We suddenly heard someone talking, and when we opened the door to the room, there were a few people looking to buy birds. We knew the storm was approaching fast, but my husband went out and began showing them our flock and brooders. While he was talking business, I looked back towards the house and saw my mom approaching me. She was worried for the boys too, so she decided to come over and make sure we were alright. When my husband was done selling a few animals, we looked to the sky saw the storm. It was huge, and it was almost to us. So we all huddled together in the round building: myself, my husband, my mom, and my 2 boys. We braced ourselves...

And I woke up.

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With the divorce going on, and some issues we're having with my husband's family, it is obvious that a storm approaches. We have secluded ourselves, and are ready to brace for impact. But why was it important that we sell some birds first? What does that symbolize? Why would my stepmother try to stop me from seeing my sister? Why was my mom there, when she lives halfway across the country? What was the storm that is moving away from us, and why must another one hit so soon?

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